For many Catholics the journey in faith begins with Baptism when they are very young. It continues when at about age eight (8) they learn about and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. At about this time they are also confirmed and make their First Communion.
Click here for Baptism Preparation programme (for Catholic parents with children under 7 years old)
Click here for Sacramental Programme info and form (for already baptised children in Year 5 and over 8 years old)
If you are an adult or a child over 8 years old who has not yet been baptised and would like to learn more about the Catholic faith, we invite you to register for our Rite of Christian Initiation (RCI) Programme. This annual program begins each October.
Click here for RCI Enrolment form (for anyone over 8 years old NOT YET baptised OR confirmed a Catholic) OR contact the Parish Office for more information.
IF you are looking for the Syro Malabar Sunday School registration, please click here
Signs of God's Love
The sacraments communicate an incarnate memory, linked to the times and places of our lives, linked to all our senses. In them the whole person is engaged as a member of a living subject and part of a network of communitarian relationships.
- Pope Francis
Seven Gifts
One of the ways the Church lives as the Body of Christ is through the special rituals we call Sacraments. There are seven sacraments. Each sacrament is a visible sign of the hidden mystery of God’s love.
In the Sacraments, Jesus acts in and through the ritual. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the transforming grace of Christ's action is gifted to those participating. A Sacrament is more than a symbol of a spiritual reality; it makes the spiritual reality present as the Sacrament is celebrated.
Sacraments centre on two important aspects:
- The life and ministry of Jesus
- The Tradition of the Church
As the early Church grew and reflected on its experience, it recognised that God's grace is active in our lives:
- New life is given to us
- The Holy Spirit strengthens and supports us
- We share in Jesus' sacrifice, death and resurrection
- God forgives our sins
- When we are ill we are healed
- Some people are called to special roles of service within the Church
- Many people are called to share life and create new families
Over time these 'moments of grace' were ritualised into what we now experience as the official Sacraments of the Church.
All the 7 Sacraments are community celebrations. Celebrations of our membership in the Body of Christ.
- Initiation: There are three Sacraments of Initiation -
- Baptism,
- Confirmation and
- Eucharist (Holy Communion)
Together they initiate new members and provide the strength and nourishment required for Christian life to flourish.
- Healing: There are two Sacraments of Healing -
- Reconciliation and
- Anointing of the Sick.
They are gifts of spiritual and physical healing.
- Service: There are two Sacraments of Service
- Holy Orders and
- Matrimony.
The Church celebrates these ministries of love and service.
Materials and guidelines have been prepared by the Catholic Diocese of Auckland for use in sacramental preparation. Resources include program materials and Activity Family-Whanau Books. More details are available here.
You can seek further information and place orders by contacting the Faith Formation Team -
Restored Order
In light of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and after consultation and preparation in 1994 The Catholic Diocese of Auckland moved to the standard practice of the 'Restored' order of the Sacraments of Initiation.
Following the practice of the early Church where Confirmation is conferred before the reception of First Eucharist.
The policy (which can be downloaded here) also sets the normative place of preparation in the parish, supported by the local parish school.