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Upcoming ICP Events
5th October - Faith Sharing Group meeting @9.45am
6th October – Day of Celebration for Venerable Suzanne Aubert
6th October - Parish AGM
18th October – St Luke, Apostle
19th October - Faith Sharing Group meeting @9.45am
28th October - Labour Day
2024 ICP AGM Are you interested to know what our parish is up? Come along to our AGM on Sun, 6th October after the 9am Mass at the Parish Hall. This meeting is an opportunity for all to have a say or voice your ideas for our church. Your opinions are valuable to us. We hope to see you there! |
The Rite of Christian Initiation Programme starting in October 2024
The Rite of Christian Initiation (RCI) programme is for families, adults, teenagers, children of Catholic parents who are 7 years and over and have not been baptised. It is also for Catholics who have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Our parish will begin our 2024/2025 RCI programme in the Catholic faith in October 2024. Come, join us and discover the beauty of being part of the Christian Catholic faith.
If you are or know of anyone who is interested, email Theresa theresa_stowers@hotmail.com.
Registration closes on 30th Sept. Theresa will be in touch with regarding timings of program.
Can You be of Service to Our Parish?
According to the Bible, every Christian has been given at least one spiritual gift to use in service to the body of Christ. Each of us can use whatever gift we have received to serve others, our parish as faithful stewards of God’s grace.
If we are of service, we do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
Take some time to reflect and have a look at the registration form. See what gifts you can bring to the service of our parish and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessings to you all!
Parish Priest
Rev Fr. Joseph V.J. CSsr
Assistant Priest
Fr. Sijo John CSsr
Parish Administrator
Bambi Lee
Vietnamese Community
Mrs Huyen Tran
Email: tuhuyensd@yahoo.co.nz
Contact Details
Address: 66 Main Highway, Ellerslie Auckland 1051
Ph: 09 579 5458
Email: icpellerslie@gmail.com
Office hours
Tuesday - Friday - 9.00 am - 1:00 pm
Hall Hire
Ph: 09 579 5458