Planned Giving is an opportunity for each of us to commit to our parish and determine the level of financial support.
1) Automatic Payment
Bank Account Name: ICP Ellerslie Parish Account
Bank Account Number: 02-0108-0706777-00
Set up through online banking or visit your nearest bank branch.
Note: If you are not registered with the Parish, please email Parish Office for tax receipt purposes.
For those who do not carry cash but have EFTPOS /credit cards with PayWave, this is the way to donate and contribute to the ministry of the parish.
An EFTPOS device is located at the church foyer. Just enter the amount you would like to donate. A receipt should generally be issued.
3) Food Bank donation/ Delivery services
There is a food basket that you can leave non perishable goods in. If you wish to offer your time instead, please contact Evelyn Leech ( for more information.
4) Gifting Envelope
If you would like to give through cash/cheque donation, please enquire with Parish Office ( for further information and collect a gifting envelope pack.
5) Leave a Bequest
If you would like to consider leaving a lasting legacy to support the work of our parish, we welcome the opportunity to discuss how you can make a gift through a bequest. For more information, please feel free to contact the Parish office by email.
Why planned giving?
Planned giving supports everything we do as a parish including
- Maintenance of parish property & buildings
- Support of the clergy
- Contribution to Diocesan appeals
- Liturgical and sacramental expenses
Planned giving allows a parish to budget for its present and future needs with some certainty.
Who should give?
All parishioners have a responsibility to support their parish. The parish depends entirely on the generosity of its parishioners. It is important that new parishioners are included in this important aspect of parish life.
Also, with planned giving, you can collect 33% back as a tax credit. Rebates on all donations can be claimed back from IRD. (i.e. You can claim a rebate of $330.00 for a $1,000 donation).
An annual receipt is issued by the Parish Office Administrator, once you have made an identifiable gift such as through the planned giving programme. To enquire more, please contact the Parish Office (
Annual Special Collection Appeals
For anyone not using the Pledge Envelopes, but are interested to contribute to the Annual Special Collections (e.g. Seminary Appeal, Peter Pence, Caring Sunday. Maori Pastoral Care, Cathedral Appeal, World Mission Sunday etc...), we have "Special Collection packs" available in the church foyer.
These appeals are generally be announced 2-3 weeks prior to the collection date.
IF you have been assigned Pledge number, write your number manually on these envelops, and place the donation in the Offertory basket during Mass. (Your contribution can then be recorded alongside your Sunday donations for tax rebate purposes)
IF you want a pledge number, or have further queries, contact the Parish Office.